G-STIC at the STI Forum in 2023
The annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum) is a part of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism mandated by the 2030 Agenda. The eight STI Forum took place on 3 - 4 May 2023 in the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York.
Following the STI Forum, the key findings from the G-STIC conference in Rio de Janeiro in 2023 were shared at the G-STIC event on May 5.

Key actions to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs
As the world started waking up after more than two years of a devastating pandemic, it was clear that COVID-19 had severe impacts on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The pandemic intensified global inequities, fragilities, and unsustainable practices.
While the current scenario seemed catastrophic, it also represented an opportunity to implement the necessary reforms for systematic changes toward an equitable, sustainable, and just recovery. More than ever, Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) proved to be essential tools to accelerate SDG achievements and promote the transition from business as usual to a more sustainable world.
Key actions to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs were discussed by Dr. Paulo Gadelha (former President & coordinator Strategy for 2030 Agenda, Fiocruz), Emerson Coraiola Yinde Kloss (Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission of Brazil to the UN), H.E. Karl Lagatie (Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Belgium to the UN), Richard Alexander Roehrl (Senior Economic Affairs Officer, Lead, UN Technology Facilitation Mechanism, Integrated Policy Analysis Branch, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN-DESA), Dirk Fransaer (Managing Director, VITO), Dr. Thulani Dlamini (CEO, CSIR), H.E. Manuel Heitor (University of Lisbon, Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico), Dr. Luiz Augusto Galvao (Senior Researcher, Fiocruz), Catarina Baptista (R&D Engineer Water, VITO) and Dr. Dietrich Van der Weken (General Manager G-STIC).

Main messages from the G-STIC Conference in Rio de Janeiro
The 6th G-STIC Conference, following five successful G-STIC Conferences in Brussels and Dubai, took place in Rio de Janeiro in 2023 and presented Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) solutions to a post-pandemic recovery based on long-term sustainable development to ensure an integrated, safe, healthy, resilient, and more equitable world to tackle the SDGs and create preparedness for crises.
Speakers showcased at the G-STIC event during the STI Forum some market-ready, innovative integrated technological solutions as examples of doable ways to bring about paradigm shifts and move societies and economies onto more sustainable development paths.