Our partners

Our partners play a very important role in enhancing our activities and increasing our impact. They support us, and we work together with them to achieve our goals. We are proud of these collaborations and thank all our partners for their involvement and support. Fill out the form below if you also want to become a partner.

Co-hosts are the key organizations that are involved in our preparatory activities, convening the annual G-STIC Conference and long-term strategy. They lead one or more of the thematic clusters and they are actively involved in the design of the different outputs and G-STIC’s impact strategy. They also enhance our outreach strategy through their own communication channels. Co-hosts may also participate in regional or national ad-hoc activities that contribute to G-STIC’s goals. The more engaged co-hosts are with G-STIC, the greater their visibility becomes.

Lead partners are involved in one of G-STIC’s thematic activity clusters. They support the outreach strategy of the G-STIC Conference through their own communication channels. 

Strategic partners contribute structurally to one or more of the thematic clusters. They are involved in various G-STIC activities and themes. Strategic partners also actively support the outreach strategy of the G-STIC Conference through their own communication channels. 

Interested in becoming a G-STIC partner?

Do you want to support the goals of G-STIC or contribute to the 8th G-STIC Conference in Pretoria? Apply for a partnership and provide us with more details about the expertise you’re able to offer to the Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Community. Fill out the form below. 

Strategic framework >