Subsidy programme for international climate projects

The Government of Flanders launched in 2021 the Flanders International Climate Action Programme to support countries worldwide in the fight against climate change. Since 2021, the Government of Flanders has launched four consecutive calls within this programme for adaptation and mitigation projects in developing countries.  

This programme provides subsidies for projects that demonstrate technologies, disseminate knowledge and information, and initiate capacity building. The Flanders International Climate Action Programme is coordinated by G-STIC and the Department of Environment.  

Explore the Flanders International Climate Action Programme

“Empowering climate action in developing countries: financial support for a sustainable future.” 

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Discover the results of the fourth project call of 2024 


For the fourth project call, the Government of Flanders provides €15 million in subsidies, divided into two project types. On 19 July 2024, the Flemish Government approved the funding of 14 dissemination and/or capacity building projects for a total amount of €6.47 million.

The submitted demonstration projects are currently being evaluated by the expert jury. A decision is expected in the fall of 2024. 

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